Role of the City Council
The City of Elkins is chartered under a weak mayor/strong council system of government. This means that the mayor has only limited powers, while the council exercises ultimate corporate authority over the city government. The mayor and city council work closely with the city clerk, who also serves as mayor during brief absences or the temporary incapacity of the elected mayor.
Among other responsibilities, the city clerk serves as liaison between council and the public. Please follow the links below to learn more about each of these offices.

Council Authority and Responsibilities
Council exercises ultimate corporate authority over the Elkins government. Among other things, council has the authority to:
- Determine city laws, rules, and regulations concerning, traffic, law and order, public works, and finance (this is only a partial list);
- Appoint and remove the city’s five administrative officers (city clerk, city treasurer, fire chief, operations manager, and police chief);
- Appoint and remove the city attorney and municipal judge;
- Adopt the budget, levy taxes, collect revenues, and make appropriations;
- Authorize the issuance of bonds by a bond ordinance;
- Establish administrative departments, offices and agencies;
- Appoint members of the city boards, commissions and authorities;
- Inquire into the conduct of any office, department, or agency of the city and make investigations into municipal affairs;
- Provide for an independent audit; and
- Provide for the number, titles, qualifications, powers, duties, and compensation of all officers and employees of the city.
On November 19, 2020, Elkins council adopted a new city charter via the ordinance process authorized by W.Va. Code § 8-4-8. Learn more about what changes were made and what the next steps are.