Last modified on August 31, 2023 at 10:46 am

Online Bill Payment

You can pay utility bills, fire fees, and most other city bills online. There is no cost to you to use this service, previously provided by PSN and now provided by PSN’s parent company, InvoiceCloud.

If you have never paid electronically before, please consider this environmentally friendly and fast option. Did you know that the city could save a great deal of taxpayer money if more customers signed up for electronic billing and made payments electronically?

Pay Bills Online

Looking to pay court fees online? Visit the Municipal Court’s online payment system.

Pay Court Fees

Access Multiple Accounts

Need to set up multiple accounts under your user name (such as if you are handling bills for multiple properties)? Follow these steps:

  1. Click through at the above link.
  2. Register or login to your previously registered account.
  3. Go to the My profile Tab (Upper Left).
  4. Select the Multiple account sub tab.
  5. Select add new.
  6. Enter the account number and name as it appears on the bill in the registration section.
  7. Search for account with that criteria.
  8. Select the correct account (should only be one).

For More Information


Tracy Judy

401 Davis Avenue
Elkins, WV 26241
304.636.1414, ext. 1317 (office)

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