Last modified on February 8, 2023 at 5:51 pm

ARPA Funds

In March 2021, Elkins learned that it would receive $3,084,933 in federal American Rescue Project Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (FRF). This money is to be distributed in two equal parts, half in 2021 and half in 2022.

Advisory Committee

The mayor established an ad hoc ARPA Advisory Committee to study U.S. Department of the Treasury rules governing the use of these funds and analyze suggestions and requests from city staff and the public to determine the most urgent eligible projects.

The ARPA Advisory Committee consists of the chairpersons of each of council’s five standing committees.

  • Chairperson Mike Hinchman (chairperson of the Finance Committee)
  • Marilynn Cuonzo (Municipal Properties Committee)
  • Rob Chenoweth (Personnel Committee)
  • David Parker (Public Safety Committee)
  • Nanci Bross-Fregonara (Rules & Ordinances)

Funding Decisions

The following table shows general categories of ARPA expenditures approved by council to date. Percentages given are of the city’s total ARPA award of $3,084,933 and are rounded to the nearest whole digit.

Updated April 8, 2022

CategoryNotesAmountPercentage of Total Disbursement
City Hall ADA upgrades, HVAC installation, fire-protection system$450,00015%
Water Treatment PlantEquipment and supplies$261,0009%
Water DistributionWork truck, backhoe, and various other equipment and supplies$389,77513%
Addiction Task ForceFunding for peer support specialist program$5,000<1%
Clerk's OfficeSoftware for public access to council meeting documents; upgrade for city website$31,3501%
Sewer & Water InfrastructureEngineering services to plan upgrades, line replacements, etc.$154,2465%
Community Requestsapplications being considered April 13, 2022$154,2465%
Wastewater SCADAUpgrading wastewater treatment plant control software$55,0002%
Wastewater loaderPurchase of new loader$102,0003%
Davis Medical CenterPurchase of safety equipment$9,079<1%
Elkins Parks and RecRubber mulch for playgrounds$31,0001%
Street Department backhoePurchase of new backhoe$110,3994%
Water Department SCADAUpgrading water treatment plant control software$147,8015%
Riverfront DesignContribution toward total $15,000 for design services (HubCAP TA is contributing $10,000 and community organizations have contributed $2,500)$5,000<1%

Public Input

In late summer 2021, an online survey was made available to solicit ideas from the public.

View Survey

Council has reserved five percent of the city’s ARPA disbursement for projects proposed by community organizations. Because federal rules impose significant documentation and reporting requirements on both the city and any subrecipients who receive ARPA funds from the city, organizations will be required to submit written applications and agree in writing to comply with federal rules.

Federal rules, FAQs, and other resources concerning ARPA Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds may be found here.

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