Last modified on February 5, 2023 at 3:28 pm

Leaf Pickup

State and federal regulations prohibit the City of Elkins from mingling leaves with trash collected by the Sanitation Department. To assist residents who wish to dispose of leaves, the city’s Street Department offers leaf pickup each fall.

General Information


There is no set starting date for this service. In general, leaf pickup begins after the Mountain State Forest Festival, once enough leaves come down to justify starting the process. We will announce a start date each fall once conditions warrant it.

In the interest of efficiency, we do not schedule leaf collection by area but instead target the heaviest concentrations of leaves on any given day.

What to Do with Your Leaves

To make use of this service, rake leaves into piles in the grassy area between the curb and the sidewalk or bag up leaves for pick up.

Please do not place leaves in the street, as this causes problems with storm drains as well as parking and traffic concerns. City employees will not go into yards to collect leaves.

We will try to collect bagged leaves within 48 hours. Customers should place the bagged leaves at the curb and contact the Operations Division at 304.636.1414, ext. 1437 to report the location of the bagged leaves for pick up.

Bags must contain only leaves and no yard waste or trash.

Please remember that this process is weather dependent. For example, we can’t effectively pick up leaves in a pouring rain.

Also, keep in mind that we only have one leaf truck to cover the city. Please be patient—we will get to each property as soon as we can.

For More Information

Operations Administrative Assistant

Shanna Poe

401 Davis Avenue
Elkins, WV 26241
304.636.1414, ext. 1437 (office)

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