2025 Municipal Election
The 2025 municipal election for the city of Elkins will be held June 10, 2025.
On that date, one council member from each of the city’s five wards will be elected to four-year terms. There are no races for “unexpired terms” this election.
There is no race for mayor in the 2025 election. Because of the 2021 charter change, the Elkins mayor now serves a four-year term; the current term, which began July 1, 2023, does not expire until 2027.
Elkins elections are non-partisan; there are no primaries for city offices.
Scroll down for information on:
- Election administration
- Voter registration
- Polling places
- Voter ID requirements
- Absentee voting
- Early in-person voting
- Candidate information
Election Administration
City elections are administered by the Office of the Elkins City Clerk. All election-related inquiries and correspondence should be directed to the clerk’s office, with the exception of voter registration matters (see the section immediately below).
Contact information for the city clerk may be found at the bottom of this page.
Because City Hall is currently closed to the public, you will need to schedule an appointment if you need to meet in person with the City Clerk. The City Clerk can meet with you at City Hall or other locations as convenient. Please call or email with questions or to set up an appointment.
Voter Registration
Although the city runs its own elections, the city does not maintain voter registration records. Please contact either the Randolph County Clerk (304-636-0543) or the West Virginia Secretary of State with questions about voter registration. For the 2025 election, voter registration closes May 20.
Election Day
On Election Day (June 10, 2025), polling places will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Persons in line at 7:30 p.m. will be allowed to cast votes.
City elections are organized by ward, not by the congressional districts used for county, state, and national elections. Your polling place for city elections may be different from that used during other elections (see list below).
There is one polling place per ward. Click here for an online GIS app to determine what ward you live in. (You can either click on the map or enter an address.) If you need additional assistance determining what ward you live in, please contact the city clerk (contact information at bottom of page).
Polling places:
- Ward 1: Church of God Family Worship Center (1402 Taylor Avenue)
- Ward 2: Mountain State Forest Festival Building (101 Lough Street)
- Ward 3: Elkins Inn and Suites, Randolph Room (1200 Harrison Avenue)
- Ward 4: Wees Annex (32 Randolph Avenue)
- Ward 5: Old Brick Playhouse (329 Davis Ave)
Identification Requirements
Effective January 1, 2018, West Virginia voters must show an approved form of identification at the polls during early voting or on election day. All forms of ID must be valid and not expired. This law does not apply to absentee-by-mail voting and certain other circumstances. There are special identification requirements for first-time voters who did not present an ID at the time of registering. Please consult the WV Secretary of State’s Be Registered and Ready page to ensure you understand the identification requirements that apply to you.
Absentee Voting
For information from the West Virginia Secretary of State regarding absentee voting, click here.
Your absentee ballot application must be completed by hand (not typed), signed, and returned to the Elkins city clerk either in person, via U.S. mail, or via email (scanned and attached). Absentee ballot applications will be accepted starting March 18 (although the city will not have ballots to send out until mid-April) and must be received by the Elkins city clerk no later than 4 p.m. on June 4. (Contact information for the Elkins city clerk may be found at the bottom of this page.)
Download An Elkins Absentee Ballot Application
Absentee ballots will be accepted starting March 18. Below are all deadlines related to receipt of absentee ballots.
- June 9: Final day for hand delivery of absentee ballots to the Office of the Elkins City Clerk (day before the election)
- June 11: Absentee ballots that arrive by mail but are not postmarked may be accepted through June 11 (day after the election)
- June 16: Absentee ballots postmarked on or before election day may be accepted by mail until the hour of the start of the canvass (5 days after election, not counting Sunday)
Emergency Absentee Voting
Voters admitted to a hospital during the 7 days leading up to Election Day may vote an “emergency” absentee ballot. Eligible voters must call the city clerk to have an application and ballot delivered to
Early Voting
Early in-person voting will be offered at City Hall, 401 Davis Avenue.
Dates: May 28-June 7
- Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
- Saturdays: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Candidate Information
Any city resident who is qualified to vote in city elections is eligible to serve in elected office in Elkins. The resident must be 18 as of the day of the election and must live inside city limits.
Elected Offices
Elected offices in Elkins are:
- Mayor (4-year term). Read more about the office of Elkins Mayor here.
- City Councilor (4-year term). Read more about the office of Elkins City Councilor here (including incumbent names and term information).
Elkins Code prohibits city employees from serving as Mayor or City Councilor.
2025 Races
On June 10, 2025, Elkins voters will elect one councilor in each of the city’s five wards. (See ward information above.) The new term will be July 1, 2025-June 30, 2029.
The office of the mayor is not on this ballot, as the mayor’s current term does not expire until June 30, 2027.
Filing Period
Per Elkins Code, the filing period for candidates in city elections begins on the second Monday in February. It ends on the third Friday thereafter.
For the 2025 Municipal Election, the filing period is as follows:
- Begins: Monday, February 10
- Ends: 11:59 p.m. on Friday, February 28
How to File
Before the end of the filing period, candidates must file a certificate of announcement with the City Clerk. The candidate’s signature must be notarized.
Certificates sent by mail will be accepted if they are received during the above filing period, postmarked no later than the final day of the filing period.
Download A Candidate Certificate of Announcement
Filing Fee
Before the end of the filing period, candidates must also pay a filing fee as appropriate for the relevant office.
- City Councilor filing fee: $25
Payment must be made to the Treasurer’s Department. Because City Hall is closed to the public for renovations, the Treasurer’s Department is operating as follows.
- Location: West Virginia Wood Technology Center, 10 11th St., Suite 3
- Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., M-F
- Phone: 304-636-1414, ext. 1722
Submit your receipt with your Certificate of Announcement to the City Clerk.
Drawing for Ballot Order
Candidate names appear on the ballot in random order, as determined by a drawing administered by the Board of Ballot Commissioners.
The drawing is open to the public.
For the 2025 Municipal election, the ballot drawing will be as follows:
- Location: Phil Gainer Community Center
- Date: March 25
- Time: 9 a.m.
Candidate Resources
The following resources are provided as a convenience and courtesy. Candidates are responsible for researching and understanding the laws and rules pertaining to elections and electoral office, including campaign finance laws, in West Virginia and Elkins.
- Read more about the office of Elkins Mayor here.
- Read more about the office of Elkins City Councilor here.
- Find extensive information about municipal elections from the W. Va. Secretary of State here.
- Download a .zip file containing a Certificate of Announcement, Campaign Finance Filing Forms, Campaign Finance report dates in 2025, and the Secretary of State’s Running for Office guide here. (The City Clerk can also email you these materials upon request.)
- Explore the city website for extensive information about the structure, responsibilities, authorities, and projects of the Elkins city government: www.CityOfElkinsWV.com.
- Review the Elkins Charter and Code of Ordinances here.
City Clerk
Sutton Stokes
401 Davis Ave
Elkins, West Virginia 26241
304-636-1414, ext. 1211 (office)
304-642-0420 (mobile)