Elkins Street Department Receives New Street Sweeper
Elkins W. Va., May 30, 2024: The City of Elkins Street Department recently received a long-awaited new street sweeper. This vehicle will replace an old and outdated machine that required constant maintenance and repairs. The new street sweeper is modern, larger, and will provide a much better service for the city while also keeping costs lower.
To reduce strain on the wastewater treatment plant and to maintain a visually attractive streetscape, the City of Elkins operates a street sweeper from late spring through early fall. We always announce the start and end dates of the street sweeper season on this website, on the city’s Facebook page, and in local media outlets.
Elkins sweeps streets Monday-Friday during the spring, summer, and fall, visiting each street once per week. During the street sweeper’s operating season, city police will ticket vehicles left parked on streets scheduled for street sweeping. Please download and review the 2024 Street Sweeper Schedule to learn when you will need to move your car.
Notification of cancelled street-sweeper runs will be issued when possible. However, when the sweeper route is cut short due to mechanical problems, inclement weather, operator emergencies, or other factors beyond our control, it is not always possible to issue such notifications. The best practice is to establish a routine of moving vehicles on the appointed day and continue that practice weekly until the end of sweeper season.
Street sweeper schedule: There’s an app for that
City police will begin ticketing cars for street-sweeper parking violations Monday, May 3. Not sure when you need to move your car? City of Elkins GIS has released an app to help! Click here to access a map view of the city. […]
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