Last modified on February 5, 2023 at 10:19 pm

Elkins Main Street

One of the city’s key partners is Elkins Main Street, a downtown revitalization program that follows the National Main Street Center’s community-based approach to preservation and development. A subsidiary of The National Trust for Historic Preservation, Main Street is a successful community development model used in thousands of communities across the country.

Project Details

Elkins is one of 15 Main Street communities in West Virginia. Elkins Main Street has one full-time staff member and is funded by City of Elkins, the Randolph County Commission, and Main Street West Virginia.

West Virginia Development Office staff provide training, technical assistance, and ongoing support to designated West Virginia communities in implementing Transformation Strategies using the Main Street Four Point Approach. This comprehensive method uses local and regional market data and meaningful community engagement to assist communities in getting started with revitalization.

Elkins Main Street collaborates with the city on many projects and issues. One of the organization’s main initiatives is working toward implementation of the Elkins Streetscape Vision, a 2016 document laying out recommendations for improving the streetscape, or visual identity, of downtown.

Download Streetscape Vision

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